You have made the decision that ship life is no longer for you.
I am sure you will have mixed emotions; excitement as the next chapter will be beginning, thankful for your ship career and everything you experienced and learnt along the way, and determined to discover what job or career you will enjoy and with the new lifestyle you want.
If you think back to when you first began at sea, adjusting to ship life was a little like sink or swim scenario, then with each contract things got easier, you understood more about ship life and the environment and then in time it was just your norm.
Your ship to shore transition will be similar in the context that in time you will settle into your land life and all the different aspects that it gives you.
However, with this transition there is no crew office, shoreside office or manning office to help you. Your new job/career that awaits will undoubtedly have a different environment, work colleagues won't speak 'ship’, you will have a different identity as you are no longer ship crew and you will be learning many new things whilst adjusting and fitting into a new world.
The above might sound like, wow that’s a lot. I just have to get a job and everything will be fine. Yet, please take a moment to pause and think that if leaving ships and starting your land life was very easy then more crew would be doing this and often. There would be more conversations amongst crew onboard about it and how to do it successfully so you do not have to return to ships.
When I transitioned from ship to shore I explained to folks on land that this transition was like moving to a new country that speaks a foreign language and setting up life there, finding a place to live, new job, new routine, new friends etc…and when you really think about ship life to land life it truly is.
Whether you know that this is your last contract, your last year at sea, or you are ready to figure out what you want to do next, here at Your Land Life we want crew members to get the best for their next chapter, one where you are aligned, fulfilled and happy with the new job/career and lifestyle that lies ahead.
Regardless of what your current position is onboard, where you live, your age, what you want to do or not do. Transitioning from ship to shore is not a one size fits all matter. This is why we have incredible resources, courses and support to help you along the way.
You need to discover what job, career you want to do next, how to write a resume that works in 2025 and where land base employees will understand ship life, how to job interview well, how to financial prepare yourself, how your personal life will be, how to best to move on from ship life and so on
But as they say 'the cart does not go before the horse', or 'Rome was not built in a day'. So this is where a successful transition will involve preparation through a great strategy and strong mindset to make this move a little easier and even enjoyable.
We have created two incredible resources to help you
The guide 100 Land based job ideas that ship crew can do lists over 50 hotel department positions and up to 10 land based jobs for each position. It is where you can think look up your current position or as close to it and know that any of the job types listed you are qualified to do as your current positions skillset transfers to the skillset required for those roles.
It can be that easy?
Finding jobs on land where your skillset transfers is the easiest way for you to get your next job.
We are sure at least two or three of the land base jobs listed for each shipboard position will peak your interest and curiosity, making it then super easy for you to look at home for job vacancies in these roles.
And now for the preparation....7 things you must know before quitting ships. Would are the most important things that all ship crew must know before leaving to ensure a smooth and successful transition? Check it out, and if you are a couple onboard wanting to leave, there is an extra section for couples.
Enjoy These Resources Designed To Help You Move From Ship to Shore and Discover Your Next Job
100 Land Based Jobs
Imagine a guide that shows you what land based jobs you could do right away as it matches the skillset of your current position onboard? You know making it super easy for you to discover your next job, and leave ships. Over 50 Hotel Department positions in this guide.
Get it now and start looking at the possibilities!
7 Things Ship Crew Must Know Before Leaving Ships
"Oh, if I had only known that before I left ships"!
Yes, ship to shore transition is a big thing, but having the knowledge of what is needed makes this transition so much easier and enjoyable. Grab this guide and start your preparation the right way round.
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- Podcast: Your Land Life podcast is your go-to resource for learning the intricate parts of ship to shore transition so you can discover your next job, your next career and have the land life you desire
- Transition Tips: Keep an eye on your inbox for our Tuesday newsletter packed with simple tips to ease the transition, and enjoy it! Delivered automatically to you after you have received your guides
- Our Community: Stay connected with other ship crew wanting to transition and enjoy the support and extra free trainings happening in our group, don't worry you can remain anonymous if you like.
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